analog film

Johannes Huwe – and our LEICA M3

By coincidence I got aware of the German photographer Johannes Huwe. I will not copy and paste some of his pictures here in this blog because you will click on the links in this post. I will rather write, what makes his approach interesting for me and solve the secret, how I […]

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Photogram – getting creative in the darkroom

A photogram is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. Last weekend we had two extended dark room sessions – of course we had to do some “photogramic experiments”. We […]

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Zenit out of Focus

Hallo 🙂 I promised to show you the results from  FUJIFILM ACROS 100 Neopan Professional and ROLLEI RETRO 80S. So here we go. Before I do, I also want to share with you that the Analog Photography Workshop has started finally! It is so nice, everybody is so inspired, running around with […]

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Workshop Analog Photography – camera talk

As expected, the level of knowledge and the expectations of the approximately 10 participants who joined our big table was widely spread. Maybe because of this, we got into a nice active exchange between the interested people after my endless monologue in the beginning. We had a lot of analog cameras […]

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