Hallo 🙂 I promised to show you the results from  FUJIFILM ACROS 100 Neopan Professional and ROLLEI RETRO 80S. So here we go. Before I do, I also want to share with you that the Analog Photography Workshop has started finally! It is so nice, everybody is so inspired, running around with cameras and big smiles, making photos, we all share the same love. I will discuss the focus of  Zenit E, and the fact that it’s completely out of focus, but not only this. For example, when you focus on an object two meters away , the lens shows you 1.15 or something different. Because of its’ imprecision, I began to think there might be a diopter on the lens. Our Analog Workshop Developer wanted to make an experiment and to disbelieve the distance, shown on the lens. Although he made a shot from two meters, the lens showed 1.15. Even though the photo is overexposed , it’s the only one that is on focus. Here it is :

I used the film ROLLEI RETRO 80S, which is pretty nice and gives you a little bit grayness. Even without focus, the photos are soft.


Now I will show you the product from FUJIFILM ACROS 100 Neopan Professional. You all know about the lens of Zenit E – Helios 44-2 58mm, and the famous “swirly bokeh”. Photo that has no focus at all, but you can manage to see the swirly effect.

What do you think about this one? It is overexposed, but still make me happy.

Next time I use Zenit E, I will definitely trust my estimation of the distance between me and the object, no matter what the calculations say. I will be posting the results. Keep in touch!

P.S. If you wonder which film to use with  ZENIT E, you can try for sure ROLLEI RETRO 80S. The shots are taken outside and the sky was very bright. Shooting a close object in shadow, I use 125 or 250 speed, and when there’s much light, I use the maximum speed of 500. If you prefer to use 60 speed, you’ll need a tripod for sure.

Enjoy your day and feel free to leave comments. Get ready for my next post, I will share with you my experience in the Dark Room. Shoot photos – Make history.




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