So i will write about the ROLLEI 35 because it rocks! Why is this a strange start for a post about the LEICA M6? Well its not! The Leica rocks and because of its price and the price of the lenses, you expect exceptional results. Let me show you two pictures – taken with both cameras and you decide.

So what picture do you like better – except the crop? Let me know in the comments – I will let you know which is from the Leica then. Deal?

For me its amazing how this small f3,5 Tessar lens of the ROLLEI 35 performes – I believe, its much sharper then the half step faster sibling in the ROLLEI 35S with its f2.8 lens. The camera is so small that I decided to hunt one black one with a Tessar lens in Ebay. If I load a slow film in the 35T and a fast film in the 35S, I am ready for day and night situations.

But now getting back to the main object and the used setup for the attached test pictures – the LEICA M6:

As you see, I experiment with some orange filter because of the snowy situation here in BeeGee right now – trusting the Summicron f2.0 / 35mm

And now some results:

Do you want to see some real camera reviews? About what cameras?


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